简介: The third season of ABC Family drama television series Switched at Birth began on January 13, 2014, and will consist of 22 episodes. The season is produced by ABC Family, Pirates' Cove Entertainment, and Suzy B Productions, with Paul Stupin and series creator Lizzy Weiss serving as executive producers. The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two young women who discover they were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments.[1] While balancing school, jobs, and their unconventional family, the girls, along with their friends and family, experience deaf culture, relationships, class differences, racism, audism, and other social issues.
许玮伦//佐莎·马梅特//迈克尔·安格拉诺//汤米·马丁内兹//瑞恩·平克斯顿//克洛伊·菲内曼//菲尼亚斯·奥康奈尔/ Amro Majzoub//刘思慕//乌利·拉图基孚/ Susan Berger/ Danny Mac//大卫·丹曼//奥利维亚·霍尔特//约翰·厄尔利//安德·海兰德//莱斯莉·米尔扎//伊托尔·伊文/ Melanie Chan/ Chris Wood/